Copyright AJ Photoz

Portfolio Gallery

Family Portraits

Loudoun Family Portraits Northern Virginia Family Photographer

Family is a blessing. It is home to values, love, laughter, strength, survival, union of hearts and togetherness. There is no emptiness when you are with your family. Riding the tides and being there for one another is what makes us family.

Professional Head Shots

Make your first photographic impression one that will engage others right from the start. You need a dynamic and individual head shot for business needs. One that people will remember and feel compelled to connect. Combined with your unique credentials this is what will set you apart from everyone else out there.

Actor Head Shots

The Branding headshot. It’s the single most important marketing tool for an actor Actors. When your image pops up on a casting director’s computer, you want them to say, “Yes, bring that person in!” Not “Let's pass this one.”

Senior Portraits

Senior Portraits

Senior portraits are about celebrating a stage in your life. The entire senior year is filled with milestones, and it is definitely one worth noting and celebrating in many ways, including portraiture. It's is much more than the last year at school.



"Fashion is ART and you are the Canvas - Velvet Paper". We at AJ Photoz know how to paint your canvas.

Commercial Photography


Magazines, Catalogs, Websites and Publications

Pageant Head Shots Award Winning VA MD DC NY NJ Miss USA United States Universe Earth from AJ Photoz

Pageant Shots

When it comes to Pageant, AJ Photoz knows how to create blasting memories. We capture your journey from Head Shots to the Crown.

Pageant Head Shots Award Winning VA MD DC NY NJ Miss USA United States Universe Earth from AJ Photoz

VA MD DC Pageant Head Shots Virginia Maryland Pictures

When it comes to Pageant, AJ Photoz knows how to create blasting memories. We capture your journey from Head Shots to the Crown.

Photo Booth

Klick-n-Keep Photo Booth

When its time to unwind and have fun with friends and family, Klick & Keep from AJ Photoz will ensure to save those memories and give it to you in the most dramatic way possible.

Events Photography


Event Photography